教授 | 近藤 健二 |
- 先天性難聴児の人工内耳術後の聴覚・言語・音声の発達
- AIを用いた幼児聴力検査の開発、人工内耳治療成績の向上に関する研究
- 人工内耳装用者の聴覚認知、騒音下聴取
- 一側性難聴者の音源定位とクロス補聴器の効果に関する研究
- 老人性難聴、音響外傷、メニエール病などの難聴モデル動物を用いた病態の解明と治療・予防法の開発
- 前庭電気刺激による平衡障害の新規治療法の開発
- 嗅粘膜傷害モデル動物を用いた嗅覚障害の病態生理解明と治療法の開発
- ヒト嗅粘液の蛋白網羅的解析と嗅覚受容への関与の解析
- 感覚障害のリハビリテーションの開発、トレーニング機器の開発、生体情報モニタリング
- 顔面神経麻痺の病態生理と治療法の開発
Publication list
- Fujimaki Y, Kondo K, Nishijima H, et al: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor promotes regeneration of severed facial nerve in rats. Front Neurosci. 2024;18:1442614.
- Kashio A, Yamada C, Yasuhara K, et al: Taurine, Coenzyme Q10, and Hydrogen Water Prevents Germanium Dioxide-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Associated Sensorineural Hearing Loss in mouse. Hear Res 2023; 428:108678.
- Nishijima H, Zunitch MJ, Yoshida M, et al: Rapid fluorescent vital imaging of olfactory epithelium. iScience 25: 104222, 2022
- Ijichi C, Kondo K, Kobayashi M, et al: Lipocalin 15 in the olfactory mucus is a biomarker for Bowman's gland activity. Sci Rep 12: 9984, 2022
- Koyama H, Kashio A, Fujimoto C, et al: Alteration of Vestibular Function in Pediatric Cochlear Implant Recipients. Front Neurol 12:661302, 2021
- Urata S, Iida T, Yamamoto M, et al: Cellular cartography of the organ of Corti based on optical tissue clearing and machine learning. Elife 8: e40946, 2019
- Kinoshita M, Fujimoto C, Iwasaki S, et al: Alteration of Musashi1 intra-cellular distribution during regeneration following gentamicin-induced hair cell loss in the guinea pig crista ampullaris. Front. Cell. Neurosci 13: 481, 2019
- Iwamura H, Kondo K, Kikuta S, et al: Caloric restriction reduces basal cell proliferation and results in the deterioration of neuroepithelial regeneration following olfactotoxic mucosal damage in mouse olfactory mucosa. Cell Tissue Res 378: 175-193, 2019
- Kamogashira T, Hayashi K, Fujimoto C, et al: Functionally and morphologically damaged mitochondria observed in auditory cells under senescence-inducing stress. NPJ Aging Mech Dis. 3: 2, 2017
- Fujimoto C, Iwasaki S, Urata S, et al: Autophagy is essential for hearing in mice. Cell Death Dis 8: e2780, 2017
- Fujimoto C, Yamamoto Y, Kamogashira T, et al: Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation induces a sustained improvement in body balance in elderly adults. Sci Rep 6; 37575, 2016